Quarterly Holidays

March 15 was one of my quarterly holidays, Day of Blooms. There are three parts to the Day of Blooms:

  1. Serving Nature: Doing something to serve the world around us, whether it's planting a tree or picking up trash.

  2. Recording Joys and Successes: Writing down all the little (and big) happy or rewarding moments from the last three months.

  3. Setting Goals: Setting your goals for the next three months with your themes from the joys and successes in mind.

The next quarterly holiday is Ray Day on June 15. It is celebrated by:

  1. Doing Something Kind: Spread kindness in the world, whether through donating to people or a cause you believe in, or volunteering your time, or some other means entirely.

  2. Recording Joys and Successes: Writing down all the little (and big) happy or rewarding moments from the last three months.

  3. Setting Goals: Setting your goals for the next three months with your themes from the joys and successes in mind.

After that comes my favorite, the Day of Leafs, on September 15. It is celebrated through:

  1. Leaving What No Longer Serves You: Whether through a chant, burning a letter, or some other means, ritualistically saying goodbye to an item, person, or belief that no longer serves you.

  2. Recording Joys and Successes: Writing down all the little (and big) happy or rewarding moments from the last three months.

  3. Setting Goals: Setting your goals for the next three months with your themes from the joys and successes in mind.

The final quarterly holiday is Evergreen Day on December 15. Celebrating it involves:

  1. Giving with intention: Giving a gift, whether an item, time, or experience, to someone you care about that will bring them joy.

  2. Recording Joys and Successes: Writing down all the little (and big) happy or rewarding moments you can remember from the last three months.

  3. Setting Goals: Setting your goals for the next three months with your themes from the joys and successes in mind.

Do you have any holidays you've created?


Day of Blooms

This Sunday (March 15) is one of my favorite holidays, and it’s one you’ve probably never heard of. I invented it about a year ago, as part of a series of quarterly holidays. This will be my second Day of Blooms, and I’m excited.

So what is the Day of Blooms? How do you celebrate it? There are three parts to that celebration.

Part one is serving nature. Whether you pick up trash at a park, plant a tree or garden, volunteer for an ecological cause, or something entirely different, do something on March 15 to make the Earth a better place to be.

Part two is to look back over the last two months and make a list of joys and successes. What positive decisions have you made? How have you grown? What are you most proud of yourself for? Big or small, write down those moments that lift you up.

Part three is goal setting. You looked back for joys and successes. Notice the themes in the things that raised you high, and look forward into the next three months to set your goals. What do you want to achieve? How can you get there? What can you do today to start toward those goals? Big or small, envision some things for the future.

Then make them bloom.

Do you have any personal holidays you celebrate? Share them below, and let me know if you decide to celebrate the Day of Blooms as well!

homemade bouquet